Community Building Activities

We believe lasting social change starts at the neighborhood level when we build relationships based on love and mutual respect. So, we start small by holding gatherings in community centers and homes with opportunities for all age groups to grow together. Anyone can participate in, and even host these activities, whether or not you choose to become a Baha’i. The Baha'i Community of Santa Fe welcomes you to join us in these activities:

Devotional Gatherings

Friends, families and neighbors from diverse backgrounds gather together in a spirit of worship in these devotional gatherings; feeding the soul through prayer, song and contemplation. Drawing strength from the cultural character of each community, they inspire meaningful connections in an informal setting. These devotional gatherings are hosted by local Baha’is in their homes, neighborhood parks, and other community spaces.

Children’s Classes

Local Baha’is sponsor children’s classes in which games, songs and simple memorization teach principles held in common by all religions. Children’s classes allow a community’s youngest members to practice their God-given qualities, such as kindness, generosity, patience and compassion. Parents, teens and young adults teach these classes and create an environment where children feel they belong to the community and share in its purpose.

Junior Youth Groups

For young teens, junior youth spiritual empowerment groups tap into young people’s acute sense of justice, growing awareness and increased interest in profound questions. Through storytelling, discussion, recreation, arts and service projects, participants form healthy and productive patterns of behavior. They build discernment and decision-making skills, and learn to address the needs of their communities.

Study Circles

Adults and older teens (ages 15 and up) participate in study circles. They connect study of Baha’i Sacred Texts to acts of service. Topics include: the spiritual nature of life, the basic features and history of the Baha’i Faith, how to build unified communities, and how to teach children and mentor youth. In their study circles, neighbors share insights with one another and design service projects relevant to their communities.

If you would like more information about any of these activities, please fill out this contact form for more information and we will reply to you shortly.