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The Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Baha Commemoration

Program presented by Baha’is in Alaska featuring Alaska’s Indigenous peoples
Friday, November 27, 12:00am Mountain Time (midnight)
Youtube or Facebook Live

When He passed away at the age of 77 on 28 November 1921, Abdu’l-Baha’s funeral was attended by 10,000 mourners of numerous religious backgrounds. In spontaneous tributes to an admired personality, He was eulogized as One who led humanity to the “Way of Truth,” as a “pillar of peace” and the embodiment of “glory and greatness.”

This throng of mourners wended its way up the slopes of Mount Carmel, carrying the precious remains of the Master. After two hours of walking, they reached the Shrine of the Bab where the casket was placed on a table covered in white linen at which point “some on the impulse of the moment, others prepared, raised their voices in eulogy and regret, paying their last homage of farewell to their loved one. So united were they in their acclamation of him, as the wise educator and reconciler of the human race in this perplexed and sorrowful age, that there seemed nothing left for the Baha’is to say.”

November 24

The Day of the Covenant Celebration (Santa Fe)

November 28

Luke Slott: The Story of Baha’u’llah